Tuesday, April 11, 2006


There are certain words and phrases that I hate dearly in this life and really hope they have never been invented. Here's a blog to justify my feeling for them.
1) Love
Why do people have to use the word "love"? Isn't "like" sufficient enough? I mean, how do you even differentiate the word "love" from "like". OK, love is "liking intensely". But at what degree does a feeling border upon the "intensely" region. Personally, I think the only time the word love is needed as opposed to like is when you cheat on your spouse with some friend of yours who you can't really classify as a "mistake" then you would have to tell your spouse, "I like her, babe but I LOVE you and only you."

2) "I'm not supposed to tell you this but I have to so don't tell anyone else, OK?"
Now would someone tell me what's wrong with this thing here? Oh wait, lemme see.... Hmm~ maybe EVERYTHING?!
First of all, when you're not supposed to tell someone something, then just shut up and don't tell! Secondly, if YOU yourself can't keep your mouth shut then what gives you the right to ask people to keep theirs shut and in which fantasy world did you come from to actually even think they would shut up?
The situation gets waaaaaay worse when that sentence is spiced up by the following : "Can you keep a secret?". Like hello~?! Aren't you supposed to be asking yourself that? How do you even expect somebody that would be low enough to indulge in paying attention to your gossip to keep a secret? You can't keep one can you so it's expected that he/she won't keep it too right?

3) Goodbye.
This word in particular is the worse word ever, and it is always the hardest word to say. It's different when you say "Bye" or "Tata" or "See you" because those 3 versions give you a feeling that you'll meet again soon enough. But when you say "goodbye" it feels like you're saying "Bye for good, I'll see you in the next life." or something like that. This will also explain why I always refrain myself from using this word. If it's said among couples, then it makes you feel like "Oh, you've done something wrong (i.e. cheated on me and I didn't fall for your "love trick") so get out of my life, goodbye."
The other word similar to this is "farewell". I don't get it. Why do people have to use these two words? There are so formal and so grave and... It sounds so much like you'll never meet again, at least not in a decade or two.

So people, next time you decide to leave me hanging here, don't expect me to come over and tell you goodbye. If you're close to me, you'd be lucky if you can even get a word that can somehow be related to "bye" from me a couple of weeks before you leave.

The person who would never say "goodbye" to the president,


Blogger Jess said...

HEY OMG!!!!!!!!! DAMM TRUE.. CAN I STEAL THIS AND POST IT IN MY BLOG??? i will of course state the source lah!! can boh?? pelase please please!!!

April 12, 2006 8:04 AM  
Blogger Niyi said...

erm, no need use the word steal kua?
my blogs are open for all frens i guess.

April 12, 2006 4:45 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

HAHA.. THANKS!! HEY.. teach me how to put the friend links beside leh.. i wanna put urs.. sosad... i hate html.. cant they like make blogger for dummies or something?

April 13, 2006 9:49 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

I KNOW HOW TO PUT LINKS BESIDE LIAO.. haha.. urs is at the top of the list!!

April 14, 2006 11:29 AM  
Blogger Niyi said...

ahaha~! bloggers for dummy, nice idea!
nanti i learn d ill write that book, maybe can make a fortune out of it man.

April 15, 2006 5:44 PM  

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