Monday, April 03, 2006

U So Fine U Blow My Mind... NOT!

Note to Satan : I said I'd write a blog for U right? Now here it is, and *toot* Ur "kill steal".

How many of you out that have eagerly awaited a day out with friends, looking forward to that special day for a whole week, dressed up to the nines and accessoriesed yourselves with sugar, spice and everything nice to just let your hair down, relax and unwind.... Only to be greeted by a scene like this :
For me, this sight greeted me when I went Friendstering on one fine day after weeks of missing out on all the internet action due to some "disagreements" with my mom. Just try to imagine my position here. Imagine the feel of your fingertips as you gently press the mouse, caressing it with your delicate palm, hoping against hope that a profile of some sleeping beauty might await your vision... And to your horror this picture appears.
I'm not really great catch or a looker myself so I'm in no position to judge but at least the pictures that I decide to release on to the net are U-rated and can provide much needed comedy to my fellow viewers.
After taking a long hard look at this picture, I considered becoming either a lawyer or a politician in the future because I believe they should make a new International Law stating that only clowns will from here onwards be allowed to dye their hair green, blue or an ugly shade or red, because not only does hairstyle like this make your stomach turn (in a bad way), it can also be considered a form of optical pollution that might some day lead to hallucination of flying pigs dressed up like cows jumping over the moon.
But the again, I should thank this girl right here cause she gave me a perfect Blogdea (blog + idea... duh~!).... UGLY HAIR!!! So I dedicated a few hours of my precious youth and sacrificed a lot of my brain cells in order to bring to you the best colour with vivid contrast and 262K colours.

I doubt anyone can beat her when it comes to looking like a fool. Which dim witt, half-brained, retarded fool with -6million% of fashion sense would bleach their hair THEN dye it blue and red?! [Satan: She's the representative of TV3..So kindly excuse her fashion sense]
No points for answering "The girl with that ugly piercing on her lips!".
I don't really blame her though, look at her hair. It is evident she just went through an electric shock or something. Maybe she was struck by lightning a thousand times on her way to the saloon.
Hold that thought. Do you think it is ethical for a hair stylist to let a kid even come close to this hairstyle?!
I mean doctors have their ethics, teachers have their "Pengakuan", policemen have the law (not that they follow them in Malaysia, truly Asia but...) and lawyers probably have all those kinky stuffs to do too. So basically most service providers are bounded by a certain set of rules, so I guess hair stylist are no exception right?
Hei Retard, I suggest you bring your hairstylist to the court of law right this instant and sue the shit load outa him.
SEE?! Remember what I said about an ugly shade of red?! Serve you right for not taking my advice.
OK, maybe this pic looks ugly because the model herself is ugly but then since I'm dedicating this blog to ugly hair I'll just have to try my best to lay my blame on her.
Again, this brings into mind how much ethics should a hair stylist harbor.... To let a kid go through this... Don't blame me for defamation of these poor souls, blame themselves and anyone who allowed this absurd hairstyle to happen.
It's like the theory about a man who kills another man using someone else's gun. Is the man who pulls the trigger guilty, or the man who supplies the gun?
I'm straying from the topic here. That hairstyle = complete ugliness. I guess that about sums it all up.
I don't know what's up with my connection today but looking for ugly hair pics is proving to be a trouble with that connection that goes at the speed of a dead snail so I guess my scavenger hunt must stop now.
If anyone of you out there ever stumble upon ugly hairstyle feel free to send them to me and I'll post a part 2 for this article.

Prepared by,
Niyi, GOD of Bloging

PS: Check out the blog by Jess, it's damn freaking laugh your ass and head of funny @ Time Of My Life.


Blogger limmay said...

hmm... not bad... now why did i kill steal u?? because YOU did NOT do ur job which results to this so called tragic or scandal.... you're the GOD of blogging, i am, the SATAN of manipulating...

April 03, 2006 11:47 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

OMG!!!!!! WINNER OF UGLY HAIR TV3 representative.. omg.. i personally have nothing against RED hair.. but U HAVE TO HAVE THE FACE!!! and the red haired gal that u posted DEFINATELY DIDNT have the face!!

THANKS FOR THE ADVERTISEMENT.. wei ask u.. how did u make the link appear TIME OF MY LIFE instead of the whole link?? please please help..!!!

April 12, 2006 8:09 AM  
Blogger Niyi said...

err.. u just write "time of my life", hilight those words and click the hyperlink button and type in the URL.

April 12, 2006 10:33 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

okok thanks nio!!

April 13, 2006 9:50 PM  

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