Sunday, March 12, 2006

New Tabs!

Check the side navigation bar. There's a new column, The Most Flammed of The Month! Yes, we added that solely for humour. Enjoy your time!! Thanks for reading.

Yours Truthfully,
President of TAO.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Malaysian police force, some like it, some hate it.
Let me explain. Those who like them are most probably species decending from the same genus as of the police force. Why do I say like that? As a Science student, I believe that although species under the same genus might differ in some aspects, they still share the same general characteristics. What characteristics do they share? Come, let me enlighten you barbaric fools.
Those "policemen" supporters will most probably fulfil either one or more of these requirements :
  1. They are uneducated fools who think that the law was written just to entertain the minds of our ancestors.
  2. They are selfish and think the world spins because they live.
  3. I can't emphasise this enough. THEY ARE DUMB!
First off, these idiots probably like the police force, especially the traffic police (who we interact the most with) because their mentality are on the same level. It's something like, "Me dumb dumb, you stupiak idiota". They love the fact that they can do anything, literally ANYTHING, they want on the roads and streets yet never be held responssible or never be called upon to answer for their wrongdoings. Their answer to every obstacle that the law might provide and the police might enforce is money. I know I preach that "money is the world" theory but to put it into actually daily usage.... It's disgusting. These idiots are so skilled and refined when it comes to "sliping the note" into the hand of the police officer that despite (or maybe BECAUSE of) their way below par inteligence, I think that's the only thing they can be admired for. They should even have a advertisement on it with a motto that goes something like this.
Bribery, solution for life.

I can try to educate you dumbf**ks on the other type that despises the police officers but I don't reallyhave a reason to so let's skip that one.

In response to the public giving them bribes, the police officers (more often than not) will try to strike a bargain with them. People are never satisfied with what they are offered. I guess this saying has to be altered a little to suit this situation more. "Apes in police uniforms are never satisfied with what they're offered." Of course there is a small portion of these policemen who don't bargain when it comes to birbery. They simply accept what they can get and move on to their next victim.

[All the above were written by NioNio, and yes, i'm going to continue writing due to the fact that she's irresposible enough for leaving the draft here for months. Note: the quality of language and usage of words of NioNio's article are incomparable with mine.]

Let's continue from where she left you guys hanging. They simply accept what they can get and move on to their next victim... Yes, my hypothesis is that by moving fast they can actually get MORE than u stuck on one bargaining the exact price. For example, everyone pays RM100, and policeman A, wants to strike for RM200, you might be spending half an hour (30 minutes) talking to that fucking dumb ass, who is very stingy or brings only RM100 with him. OR you can choose to get the standard price from everyone, RM100, and policeman B settles one case after another with 10minutes per case. So, after an hour, policeman A will be earning RM400 and policeman B will be earning RM600. Such diference, as you can see. And besides, by using method that policeman A uses, you are risking your life. Maybe after bargaining for half an hour, your customer who wants to pee so badly is totally pissed off. There, you have to pay the price:

1. Your number thingy being noted down by your beloved customer and being sent to the Government.
2. The customer dont feel like paying anymore, he wants THE TICKET!

So, it's a suicidal move to bargain, fellow policeman. If anyone of you reading this blog is a policeman, here's a piece of advise: Bargain kills and Everyday is National Smile Day. Why? You are in the customer service line, if you're a professinal, you clearly know that you SHOULD NOT piss your customers off or you will get to have a new place to stay [probably jail] in a few weeks time.

And statistically, most of those who need to bribe to police, are those who did not wear safety belt while driving. Now, THAT is the stupidest and most-not-worth-it thing to be fined. Because, safety belt SAVES lives!! It's 100% guranteed!! [provided that you drive below 40kmph AND has an airbag in front of you, which pops out at the right time OR you can have natural airbags which only applies for women who have huge boobs], and wearing a safety belt is easier than farting! Just Zruk* and Click. As easy as A-B-C.

One more way to avoid being trashed by the police force. Do a good deed and flash high-light to the opssite lane for the purpose of informing them, that there're policemen in front [Only if you really saw policemen doing road blocks. Dont EVER give a damn if others simple didnt buckle up the seat belt and you saw it. No it's not worth it. Why, you asked? I've got a question too, ever heard of Road Bullies? Yea, So dont simple flash if the police arent there]. You flash a good deed, next time others will flash back!

Well I guess that is all about the qualities of Malaysian Police Force. More to come next time. Oh yea, we've got a FORUM, so if you're interested, feel free to join!!

*Zruk = the sound effect of SUCCESSFULLY pulling the safety belt to its buckle. If it's not successful you might face a zruk-tok* situation.
*Zruk-tok = the sound effect of UNSUCCESSFUL pulling of safety belt to its buckle.

President of TAO and one of the most UNPOPULAR admin,
Qhychaq and Nionio.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mr. "Sexy and Romantic" Yap

We have a freaking topic on him in the forum, so now it's time to start a blog on him. I've wanted to bitch him since he first giving us super duper boring lectures but my time on the computer was previously restricted due to some "technical" problems so F you Liz for saying I ain't doing my job.
So, who's Mr. Yap? His full name is Yap Oi Jiong and I'm guessing he is 30+ years old, single and living alone. He drives a motorbike to work and waves like a girl. Wait, that's not the only part about him that's girlish, but I'll elaborate on it later. Now it's time to introduce you all to the wonderful world of one of his extremely boring lectures.
He isn't that bad of a teacher, but his lectures are mofo boring. It's boring enough to make me want to jump of a gazillion buildings and swimming all seven oceans back and forth just to NOT be in his lecture. I mean come on dude, who would possibly take 10 seconds to say "from A to B". Who else? Non other than our dearly hated Mr. Yap. Do you want to know how he says those 4 words? He goes something like this, "From A~~ *pulls the A for a second on 2, pauses for 4 or 5 seconds*....To B~~ *pulls the B for yet another second or 2*". Yes, that's how he says it!
And his mole! His oh so sexy mole coupled with his oh so romantic voice! Yes, he truly is a picturesque frame to look at when you feel like kicking someone in the head and F-ing someone hard. By the way, I seriously think he's single cause it's simply degrading to me as a girl to even imagine that there exists a woman boring enough to date this Mr. "Sexy and Romantic" Yap.
Moving on to his girlish features. Some might say he just the new breed of "sensitive" guy, I thinks his just plain and outright girlie and gay. (Note: I DO NOT discriminate gays) He sulks in class and throws the stupidest of all tantrums. For a lecturer, if you want to scold your students I think you should just feel free to do so but no~~~ This mofo girl throws tantrums like 10-year-old girls with pink bicycles playing barbie dolls. He pouts his face up and just freaking stares at people when he's angry. Tick him up a little more and he does his very predictable "stomp out of the room" procedure. First, he taps the whiteboard pen on the table lightly. Next, he tidies up the desk and put his pen into a little box and stacks his notes up. Then he just strides out of the room quietly. No, despite his 10-year-old girlish tantrums, he (to my complete and utter surprise) does not bang the door. But that doesn't change the fact that he's still girlie and he sucks.
Anyway, for our February test, this gay "girl" set us the hardest of all mofo hard questions and wanted us to finish it in 1 hour. Luckily his plan to flunk us and set our parents off is surely going to fail (at least in my case) because I told my mom about him and she went, "Are you sure? I thought you said he's a guy?" I go, "Uh huh~ He IS a guy." Mom says, "Oh my god! How could a guy.... A MAN be so childish?" My dad goes, "Why don't you complain him to your management or head of your school's A-level? I'll help you." Yes, even my mom thinks he's childish and gay.
Is he crazy? Most probably. Is he insane? I think so. Is he ugly? 100% positive. Is he sexy? Not in a million years. Is he romantic? Only to the deaf, blind and retarded.

The GOD of Anti Niyi organization

Message from the GOD -- All praise the mighty and wonderful Me, for gracing your lives with My supreme nature and compassion.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Good Guy Pose

Well, this is the one and ONLY time i'll show one of the admin's picture... this is her, the unpopular, unfamous, but goddamn smart ass ADMIN.

Let us welcome.... NIOOO NIOOOOOO, THE SEXY AXEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [well, self proclaimed sexy, and she likes axes, so i guess it's another self proclaimed axey.]

And the ever so pitiful victim beside her, Encik Farhan, my boyfriend's carrier [his laptop], got kissed all over the face before taking this picture AND unfortunately, the picture ACCIDENTALLY got into the wrong hands... YES... IT'S MY HAND... MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHA...

anyway cut the crap.. Many of you may ask WHY DO I POST THIS ... AWESOME PICTURE...
to vote for the PICTURE OF THE WEEK! [POTW]

Nice picture------------Well,guess its ok?----------Can i say, EWW?

Well, i wanted to put on a vote on my editting work, but since i'm a beginner and a photoshop noob, so yea... i screwed up big time. Well i know, it makes not difference as the MAIN CHARACTER [the one in the circle] is already THAT "pretty" there'll be no difference on whether did i screw it or not... it simply makes no difference.

Oh, Nionio if u're reading this post and is getting angry, c'mon dude, it's a punishment for not doing your job as the FUCKING ADMIN I MADE U INTO. And also, for the fact that you tried to cover up it in your blog. But ahh, poor thing, i've got my sources. FOLKS, if you're interested in HOW DID SHE MANIPULATE FACTS, you can always go to HER BLOG. yea. thats about it. thank you for ur votes.

Yours Truthfully,
President of TAO.