Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Opening

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, you are currently visiting the official ANTI organisation. We will now have a simple F.A.Q section.

What do i mean by ANTI organisation?
Simple, we are simply against anything we could not bear with. Anyone, i repeat, ANYONE can join this worldwide recognised organisation. We simply gossip and bitch about anything or anyone we can grasp on. As long as we all hate the same person.

What if I am one of the members of the most hated? Simply saying, my name is enlisted? Can i still join?
Yes, even if you are one of the pitiful "victim" that has been enlisted as the hateable person, you are still and will be welcomed with open arms for your registeration as a member of the ANTI organisation. You can simply choose to ANTI yourself, which is pathetic. OR, you can simply enlist someone else, of course with the administrators' approval, and ANTI them.

What is the minimum haters for a person or a thing?
I would say, 5 haters and above.

How long does it take to make the administrator announce the hate section for a person dead?
2 weeks.

What if my idol is being bitched here? Can i get his name off the board?
IF there is your idol here, being bitched like crazy, I'm sorry but I couldn't do a thing. Why? Simply READ and INTERPRETE the title of the room. It simply says ANTI organisation. So, it's just too bad that your idol / favourite person is being enlisted as the most hated person on earth. But the person will only be enlisted AFTER the administration board's approval. when the section has got less than the minimum requirements, OR, inactive for more than 2 weeks, yes, the person will be off the board free from being bitched and hated.

Who can I enlist for the hate-most?
Anyone universally-known. No Chan Ah Khaw [Sorry if I really mentioned your name, no offence but I'm just giving an example. And when i say Chan Ah Khaw, i'm trying to say not everyone knows him.] or whatsoever here please.

But, the person is totally not known, yet I STILL want to bitch about him or her. How to do so?
Easy, send the administrators a picture of him or her. Don't worry, we will do the rest for you.

Can I use foul languages?
The best part of the whole thing. YES you can. BUT, there's always a but, there's a limit to it. IF it's been use too frequent, and we, the administrators think all your foul words will eventually make the person so much until his or her life is in danger, we WILL give warning once and delete whatsoever you have posted. You did this TWICE, you going down. Yes, we will ban you from the site.

If you have any questions, please, DO NOT hesitate to post a comment under this post and ask there. The administrators will answer your question. Thank you for your time.

Yours Truthfully,
President of The ANTI Organisation [TAO]


Blogger Niyi said...

ah! i'm not universally known! gosh i'm so relieved.

February 21, 2006 10:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abseloutely stunning ! Congrats to the mastermind behind this website, Mae or as she wants to be
'affectionately" knowns as, CHQCHAQ. The set up of this website provides us , the victims of Ni's ruthless n insesnsitive blog a channel to voice out our objection towards her. Btw, i dont really like to write much.

February 21, 2006 10:51 PM  
Blogger limmay said...

Well, thank you too for the comments left. And one thing, I think It''' be nice that you check how to spell one's name 1st before posting your comment. My screename is Qhychaq. Not Chqchaq. Thank you.

February 21, 2006 10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NI, just shut up k?! U have own blog to run. Let Mae manage this k?

February 21, 2006 10:54 PM  
Blogger Niyi said...

the rules said the victim can post here too rite? btw, erm.... cant u like spell my name at least in the right kind of wrong way -- niyi?

February 21, 2006 11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WoW! Can i start ANTI ppl d!

February 21, 2006 11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call U as i wash. I call u Ni so be it. IF u are your so called God, then i'd like to see you try Hitting me on the face, DARD !

February 21, 2006 11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aiks !! so many spelling mistakes !!

February 21, 2006 11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ni ,miss tomboi can never hold a candle near Mae for sheer Avril Lavinge coolness !!! Eat dung NI !

February 21, 2006 11:22 PM  
Blogger Niyi said...

there r so many anynomous here i dn even know who's who.... and what do u mean u'll call me as u WASH? u mean do laundry or what.... argh, pervert.
erm, anti s** j** h**? go! go! go!

February 21, 2006 11:23 PM  
Blogger limmay said...

Seems like there're people having fun already.

February 21, 2006 11:38 PM  

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